NOBA’s management team consists of people with extensive banking experience. There is a genuine commitment in the management team to the company's mission and future.
NOBA’s management team consists of people with extensive banking experience. There is a genuine commitment in the management team to the company's mission and future.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the organization and management of NOBA and has the overall responsibility for the governance and control of NOBA.
At the general meetings, the shareholders exercise their voting rights in key corporate matters, such as the approval of income statement, the disposition of profits or losses, the discharge of liability for the Board of Directors and the election of Board members and Auditor.
The NOBA Group is controlled by Nordic Capital Fund IX, Nordic Capital Fund VIII and Sampo Oyj.
Deloitte AB is appointed auditor since 2018. Johan Stenbäck, born 1983, is the Auditor-in-Charge and is a Chartered Accountant.
Deloitte AB
Rehnsgatan 11
SE-113 79 Stockholm
Phone +46 75 246 20 00
NOBA’s remuneration principles are set out in NOBA’s remuneration policy, which has been drawn up based on the Swedish Banking and Financing Business Act (SFS 2004:297) and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations (FFFS 2011:1).
In order to achieve a robust governance, internal control and risk management framework, NOBA has adopted the three lines of defense model. This model is the primary means to structure roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for decision-making and risk management.
Following the link below you will find the historical Corporate Governance Reports and Auditors Reports which are now part of the Annual Reports.
NOBA views corporate responsibility as a critical part of how we do business. Learn about NOBA’s community contribution and actions to see how NOBA support and collaborate.
NOBA commits to supporting healthy political and tax environment by avoiding activity in controversial jurisdictions. Learn more on NOBA's approach to political contributions, regulatory engagement, and tax integrity.
Learn about robust governance at NOBA with independent committees overseeing audit, risk, remuneration, and sustainability, aligned with regulatory standards.